It is Week 7. We are approaching the end of our course. I've finished doing my class project with my students. I'm currently writing up my final project report and will submit it to my friends Kayyum and Jurgita for Peer Review. May the force be with me.

In the meantime, this week's topic reminded me very much of what I have learnt during my undergraduate years. It's about Learner Autonomy. So what is an autonomous learner? According to Little(1991), autonomous learners are those who explicitly accept responsibility for their own learning. The autonomous learner also shows initiative regarding learning, and shares in monitoring progress and evaluating the extent to which learning is achieved (Schunk, 2005). In today's world, it is easy for students to become an autonomous learner because of technology. Technology helps and aids a lot in education. It is not surprising if one day, there is no more teacher teaching in physical schools. Children gets education online. Who knows? Nonetheless, it is today's teachers' responsibility to prepare students to become one.

Another topic that I learn is One Computer Classroom. This is a topic close to my situation right now. My classroom does not have a computer but I use my personal laptop as a teaching aid. I don't mind at all. I'm also grateful as the school has installed an LCD projector in my classroom. Well it's actually for English Unit but they choose to install it in my classroom. Lucky me! So I've made use of these technology advantages to teach my students. My verdict: every time I use the computer and project anything on the screen, my students are more attracted to my lesson. So technology is indeed a motivation to them.
As for my project, I did the Webquest lesson with my students last week on Friday. I'm in the process of writing the project report to be submitted to my peers. Wish me luck! :)